(+994 12) 599 08-58 | [email protected]


The financial and commercial activity of the OUR Host project is carried out by OUR Technology LLC, a legal entity that has all the necessary licenses and documents to provide Internet telecommunications activities in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan (art. 409, p. 4), OUR Technology LLC provides its services on the basis of a public offer. In this case, the contract is considered concluded when the user performs the operations specified in the offer (acceptance).


You can get the original of the contract from your Customer panel -> Downloads section.
If you need to sign a contract in person, you can print and sign the contract and send two copies to our postal address.
If you have any questions regarding the conclusion of the contract, you can send them to us by any contact form suitable for you.

Application for refund

Please agree all details with the sales department before filling out the application form. Please note that you can get your funds back within 14 days from the moment of purchase and/or transfer of funds to the provider, as well as from the date of receipt of the relevant payment confirmation, subject to commission difference.

  • Write (AZ) the application and attach a copy of the applicant’s document (legal entity) or ID card (for individuals) to the application.
  • Once you have completed the paperwork open a request to the sales department from your customer panel.
Personal data processing document
«OUR Technology» LLC carries out the processing of personal data on a server located within the country, based on the Law of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 6, 2010 №161 «Requirements for the protection of personal data». Certificate of server location of «OUR Technology» LLC (AZ)

Notice No. 2 on registration of operators and providers of Internet
telecommunications services

Bank Requisites

Details of the contractor (AZN)

Name OUR Technology MMC.
IBAN AZ82ACAB00210100000000399978
TAX ID: 1401165901

Bank: AccessBank ASC
Branch: 20 Yanvar branch
Code: 507309
TAX ID: 1400057421
C/A: AZ10NABZ01350100000000056944

Details of the contractor (USD)

Name OUR Technology, LLC.
IBAN: AZ58ACAB00210200000000484456
TAX ID: 1401165901

Bank: Accessbank CJSC
CHIPS UID: 402004

Cor.Bank: Raiffeisen Bank International AG
Cor.Account: 070-55.083.620
ABA: 021001033

İcraçının rekvizitləri (EUR)

Name: OUR Technology LLC
IBAN: AZ64ACAB00210300000001052230
TAX ID: 1401165901

Bank: AccessBank CJSC
CHIPS UID: 402004

Cor.Bank: Societe Generale SA, Paris
Cor.Account: 001016133060

Details of the contractor (RUB)

Name ООО OUR Technology.
IBAN: AZ52ACAB00210400000000484458
TAX ID: 1401165901

Bank: Accessbank CJSC
CHIPS UID: 402004:

Cor.Bank: AO UniCredit Bank
Cor.Account: 30111810200014906883
Account in CB RF: 30101810300000000545
BIC: 044525545