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On September 27, 2020, brave military units of the Azerbaijan Armed Forces started military operations against bandits belonging to the Armenian army. As a result, according to the Decision No. 358 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 28, 2020, a state of martial law was declared in the country and a curfew was imposed.

During the military operations, certain restrictions were applied to the working capacity of internet-telecommunications and communication tools in the entire territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Although all our server workstations operate according to the staffing schedule, there is a limitation in traffic reaching the end user at different hours. In this regard, we inform you that OUR Host – Azerbaijan Host Provider does not bear any responsibility for these restrictions. The current situation is in accordance with paragraph 8.2 of Article (8) “Force Majeure” as reflected in the declared offer as well as in the contract applicable to individuals and legal entities:

8.2 Force majeure refers to those events that the Parties cannot influence and are not responsible for their occurrence, for example, earthquake, flood, fire, as well as strikes, decisions of state authorities, as well as accidents, military forces of any nature that prevent the performance of this Agreement. operations, terrorist acts.

However, we want to assure each of our customers that there are no restrictions on our own telecommunications and communication equipment and their traffic. The imposed restriction is implemented within the framework of the rules established by external authorities in connection with the declared martial law in the country. Any intervention of the company in this matter is impossible.

We hope that each of our customers is understanding of the current situation, considering the exciting tension of the current situation.

OUR Host – Azerbaijan Host Provider expresses its condolences to the families of our military servicemen and civilians who died for the freedom and integrity of our Motherland, and prays for God’s mercy on them.

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