(+994 12) 599 08-58 | [email protected]

Terms of Use

Chief Executive Officer
«OUR Technology» LLC
Guliyev O.I
Decree: №17/16-06/24

Terms of use of the provider's services

By ordering a service on the website (OURHOST.AZ) created for the provision of hosting and similar services of OUR Technology LLC, the customer agrees to unconditionally comply with all the conditions listed in this document.

1. Services of OUR Technology LLC

1.1. OUR Technology LLC provides the client with space to host web pages, the ability to send e-mail, and the processing power that allows the client to store, process, send or make available to other Internet users their information. OUR Technology LLC also provides other services and acts as an agent for third-party organizations.
1.2. All services provided to customers by OUR Technology LLC can be used only for purposes that do not contradict the current legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
1.3. OUR Technology LLC has the right to request a copy of passport data (for individuals), a certificate of registration and tax accounting (for legal entities) to identify the client. If the client does not agree to provide the required documents, OUR Technology LLC reserves the right to refuse to provide services to the client.
1.4. Interaction with the employees of OUR Technology LLC is carried out within the framework of the Regulations on the work of OURHOTS.AZ services.
1.5. Financial interactions between the client and OUR Technolohgy LLC are carried out within the existing settlement system.

2. Restrictions applied when using OURHOTS.AZ services

The customer using OURHOST.AZ services is prohibited from:

2.1. Using software and hardware resources that exceed the limits set for the type of service used and the current tariff plan (regardless of the reason for exceeding the limit).
2.2. In one way or another, running any software that implements a proxy mechanism for data transmitted over any level of protocols, running torrent-clients, IRC servers, download managers and similar scripts.
2.3. Using, distributing, advertising, and copyright infringement of unlicensed software, as well as posting links to resources that distribute such materials or advertise such activities.
2.4. Posting materials that include:
2.4.1. promotion of violence, war, racial, national or religious enmity, subversion and other ideas likely to provoke a reaction, as well as references to such resources.
2.4.2. use of malicious software (viruses, hacking tools and other resources) that can harm third parties, as well as refer to such resources.
2.4.3. pornographic materials, as well as references to such resources.
2.4.4. inaccurate, unverified, offensive or threatening material that discredits third parties.
2.4.5. materials and software that contain activities that may be classified as fraudulent, as well as references to such resources.
2.5. Any unauthorized mailings (spam), regardless of copyright and the technical or software used (including SMS, ICQ, Jabber, etc.), as well as advertising of such mailings (including links);
2.6. Placement of sites (site pages) advertised through spam (spam advertising);
2.7. Attempting to penetrate closed networks, unauthorized access to third-party resources, including sending unauthorized mail, scanning server ports and other unacceptable actions.
2.8. collection of personal data of website visitors placed on OURHOTS.AZ servers without their consent, including by causing confusion to visitors.

3. Liability of Customer and OUR Technology LLC

3.1. The customer is responsible for all information published in his account on OURHOTS.AZ servers, including materials published by visitors to its sites, as well as chats, forums, message boards, blogs, mailing lists, guest books and other interactive publishing tools.
3.2. OUR Technology LLC fights free of charge DDoS attacks against web host servers without guaranteeing the functionality of the attacked sites. Types of attacks, methods of protection when detected, as well as limits of free protection measures are mentioned in clauses 3.2.1, 3.2.2.
3.2.1. Attacks up to 1 Gbps are automatically filtered – all UDP traffic across the web host is blocked on XDP (eXpress Data Path technology) routers. If a router receives a 1 Gbps attack, filtering by the high-backbone provider is activated and UDP-Flood is filtered outside the OURHOTS.AZ network.
3.2.2. TCP-flood. Filtering works on routers in XDP. Protection is automatically activated when there is an attack of 400 Kpps through a router. Filtering limits are 2 Mpps SYN-Flood per router.
3.3. For comprehensive protection of sites from DDoS attacks, the customer can activate additional services for a fee in advance in the Hosting control panel.
3.4. For accounts that do not have additional protection services to protect against DDoS attacks: in the event of an attack with parameters exceeding the technical limits specified in clauses 3.2.1, 3.2.2, or in the event of circumstances not mentioned above, the Provider shall stop the protection measures free of charge, locate the attacked resource and provide services reserves the right to restrict access to it until its display is completely stopped.
3.5. OURHOTS.AZ has no obligation (but has the right) to monitor customer accounts – websites and mailing lists.
3.6. OURHOTS.AZ has the right to block the customer’s account and refuse to provide services without warning if a violation of Clause 2 of these Terms is detected.
3.7. OURHOTS.AZ is not responsible for the refusal of third parties to provide services to the client due to reasons beyond the control of OUR Technology LLC.